Monday, July 7, 2014

So Sorry

The Unstoppable Modi's Train

FIFA World Cup, UPA v/s NDA

Structure of E-Mail

Explain structure of e-mail. What are various e-mail protocols used for sending and receiving-mails? Explain in short ?
From an email client, you’ll typically compose a message, attach any necessary files, and send it to the recipient. But, have you wondered what happens behind the scenes? How the email is sent from your outbox to the recipients inbox?
In this article, we will explain the basis of email. For those who already know this stuff, this might be a quick refresher.

What is an Email?

Till 1971, people were able to send messages to other people working on same system only. In 1971, the first e-mail message was sent by Ray Tomlinson. Though that was a very simple message based communication but it formed the basis of how advanced e-mails have become today.
The main components of an e-mail system that facilitate sending and receiving of e-mails on Internet are :
  • An e-mail client
  • An e-mail server (SMTP server)
  • POP and IMAP servers.
Lets study these and then finally try to connect the dots to understand the complete system.

An Email Client

If you use e-mails for online communication the you would definitely be using  an e-mail client. An e-mail client provides you with the following capabilities :
  • Provides a list of messages that people have sent to you. Each entry in the list contains the name of sender, a subject, a few words from the message body and the time/date on which it was received.
  • Provides the ability to read a complete message, reply to it or forward it to other people.
  • Provides the ability to compose a new message and send it to the desired recipients.
  • Delete a message.
The e-mail clients could be standalone (like Microsoft Outlook, Pegasus etc) or could be web based (like gmail, yahoo etc). There could be many advanced abilities that e-mail clients may provide but whatever the type of e-mail client be, the core abilities described above are provided by all type of clients.

An Email Server

Whenever you send a message from your e-mail client, it goes to an e-mail server. The e-mail server manages the messages received by it. It forwards the message to a POP or IMAP service if the message is to be sent to a recipient on the same subnet else it follows the standard procedure to send the message over Internet to the destined person.
An e-mail server comes into the picture twice if e-mail is sent over Internet to a remote destination. First it’s the sender’s e-mail server that sends the e-mail over the Internet and second is the receiver’s e-mail server that receives the e-mail and makes sure that it is delivered to the recipient’s system. On the other hand, an E-mail server comes into picture only once when the recipient is on the same subnet.
SMTP servers are widely used as e-mail servers all over the internet. An SMTP server is also known as Mail Transfer Agent (MTA).
POP and IMAP Servers
As already explained, these servers come into the picture when a message is received by SMTP server and it needs to be forwarded to the actual recipient. Let’s discuss both these servers one by one :
POP stands for Post Office Protocol. A POP (or POP3) server in it’s simplest form stores the messages for a particular user in a text file. The file for a particular user is appended with information each time an e-mail is received by a POP server.  If your e-mail client is configured to use a POP3 protocol then whenever you try to fetch e-mails through your e-mail client then a request is sent to your POP server for the same.
A POP server requires the log-in credentials of a user that are sent through e-mail client. Once a user is authenticated, the POP server provides access to user’s e-mails.  As with any client server architecture, the e-mail client interacts with the POP server through a predefined set of commands.
Here is a list of common commands used to interact with POP server :
  • USER  – For User-ID
  • PASS   – For Password
  • LIST   – Provide message list
  • DELE – To delete a message
  • QUIT  – To end the interaction
Please note that the e-mail client connects to port 110 on the server where POP service is running. After connecting the e-mail client issues the commands (as described above) to the POP server to authenticate, fetch e-mail, list e-mails etc.
One small problem with POP servers is that once an e-mail client fetches the e-mails from this server on client machine, it gets difficult to access the same e-mails from any other device or system as they get downloaded on client machine and are removed from the server.  Though there exists and option ‘Keep a copy on server’ through which e-mail clients can tell the server not to delete the e-mails. But, this leads to multiple copies of your mailbox on clients as well as on server and so it makes the management of e-mails difficult.
IMAP stands for Internet message access protocol. This protocol is also used to access e-mails but it is far more capable than POP. One of the most prominent feature an IMAP server provides is the central access to e-mails. Unlike POP server, an IMAP server keeps the e-mails on the server itself and so you can access e-mails from any machine or device.
This server also provides easy management of e-mails like searching, categorizing the e-mails and placing them into various sub-folders etc. The only problem that one could imagine with IMAP server is that you always need an Internet connection so that the e-mail client is able to fetch e-mails from the IMAP server. But today, almost all of the e-mail clients have the capability to cache the e-mails so that you can even view them when you are offline.
To interact with IMAP server, the e-mail client connects to server machine on port 143. As with POP, IMAP server also understands a set of commands which the e-mail client uses to connect with the server.

Connecting the Dots

With the understanding of all the major components used in e-mail system, lets connect the dots and understand how the whole e-mail system works:
  • An e-mail client like Gmail, yahoo, outlook etc is used to create or reply to an e-mail.
  • Once the e-mail is drafted successfully, it is sent using the e-mail client.
  • This e-mail first goes to the SMTP server (also known as MTA (Mail transfer agent) ) to which the e-mail client is connected.
  • The e-mail server looks out for the recipients address. The address is of the
  • The e-mail server first uses the DNS technique to resolve the domain name into a valid IP address.
  • Next it sends the e-mail to to this IP address over the Internet.
  • Now the e-mail traverses over the Internet in a series of IP packets and reaches the destination SMTP server or the MTA.
  • This server collects all the e-mails and places them to appropriate location so that these are accessible to your e-mail clients through POP or IMAP services.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Radio Mirchi Murga Latest-2014

Are you ready to laugh your hearts out? 
If yes, then catch up with RJ Naved's latest Prank, from Radio Mirchi.

Radio Mirchi Funny Session 

BEST MURGA Radio Mirchi PART 3 Really Extremely Funny

RJ Naved in 'Murga and Uss Raat Hua Kya Tha'

RJ Naved in 'Murga and Shaadi ka Lifaafa'

Radio Mirchi Murga Audio Clips (Sexy Masi Cannada)

RJ Naved in 'Murga and Sale'

Radio Mirchi Murga Prank Call Dawood ka Chacha

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

What is Magna Carta ? A full History about Magna Carta !!

Magna Charta
Illustration: Jonty Clark

About MAGNA CARTA :    Magna Carta, one of the most important documents in world history. The Magna Charta, issued in 1215, is the foundation of constitutional liberty in English-speaking lands. By compelling King John to obey laws that limited his power precisely, it became the earliest guarantee against tyranny in England.
The Magna Charta resulted from a rebellion against King John by the English barons (nobles) in 1215. They objected to John's heavy taxes and seizures of property. In May, 1215, they captured London, and John realized he must make peace. John and the barons met on June 15 by the Thames River near Windsor, at a field named Runnymede. There he accepted a draft of demands. It was put into the form of a charter on June 19. Clauses dealing with the royal forests were later reissued separately. The rest of the document became known as the Magna Charta (Latin for “Great Charter”) to distinguish it from the shorter Forest Charter.
King Richard I and John had burdened the barons with new taxes and service obligations in addition to the customary feudal services and fees. In the Magna Charta, the barons set down fixed inheritance fees, wardship and marriage rules, and rules for collecting debts. The barons also pledged themselves not to exact new-feudal services and fees from their own vassals.
Especially irritating to the barons was John's use of scutage, a fine exacted when his vassals failed to fulfill required military service for his incessant and unprofitable wars. A clause of the charter provided that no scutage or aid (special tax) should be imposed without the approval of the general council of the kingdom. This council consisted of the important nobles of the realm, and eventually Parliament developed from it.
Two clauses guaranteed due process of law in language still meaningful. The first of these states: “No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned … save by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land.” The next clause states: “We will sell to no man, we will not deny to any man, either justice or right.”
Other parts of the charter guaranteed the right of free election to offices in the English Church, provided for a fixed court of common man pleas at Westminster, reformed the judicial process, and sought to prevent abuses by royal officials. King John pledged to remove his favorites from office, make restitution to his enemies, and send away foreign mercenaries he had hired. A group of 25 barons was organized to enforce the provisions of the charter.
Later Struggles
John disavowed the Magna Charta as soon as he was strong enough to do so. Pope Innocent III, his ally, annulled the charter and excommunicated the baronial leaders. Civil war raged until John died in 1216. He was succeeded by his nine-year-old son, Henry III.
Henry's counselors ended the struggle by reissuing the charter, though omitting some of the clauses. The enforcing council of 25 was eliminated. The standard edition of this abbreviated charter appeared in 1225. It was reaffirmed repeatedly by later kings.
Significance and Limitations
The Magna Charta contains no statement of general principles of government as do the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States. It was composed by a small class of nobles who identified their own rights with the general interests of the kingdom. Their concern was to halt the trend toward absolute royal power begun under Henry II and continued under Richard I and John. Their idea of liberty was the right to enjoy a specific property without interference—and property included serfs. Few clauses of the Magna Charta are concerned with the rights or protection of the serfs, or villeins, who formed perhaps three-quarters of the population.
During the 17th century the Magna Charta came to have a much wider meaning. Since serfdom had been abolished, the rights granted free men in the charter were interpreted to apply to everyone. Those who opposed the arbitrary rule of the Stuarts claimed that the Magna Charta had established trial by jury, the writ of habeas corpus, and the principle of “no taxation without representation"-developments that actually occurred well after the time of the Magna Charta. Despite these exaggerations, the Magna Charta is justly honored as the first step toward constitutional liberty.

A Short Story of Man's Fight for Liberty The Magna Carta

New Car are coming in INDIA expected 2014-15 Last

Volkswagen Polo Facelift Preview

Volkswagen unveiled the facelifted Polo hatchback at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show and it has been on sale in various European markets since March, this year. The car retains the same overall shape and design elements but gets multiple changes all over. This is a mid-life facelift and we expect that the German automaker will launch a completely new car sometime in 2015. The new Polo in the European markets is also being offered with a new 1.4-litre diesel engine as well as a new 1.0-litre turbo petrol.
Volkswagen Polo Facelift

Expected Launch: 15 July 2014

Expected Price: 5 - 8.50 lakhs

Ford Figo Concept Sedan Preview

The Ford Figo Concept is Ford’s new global concept that was unveiled just before Delhi Auto Expo 2014. Unlike the current Figo, it is a compact sedan that will compete with the likes of the Honda Amaze, Suzuki Dzire and the Tata Zest. It will be less than four metres in length, but the concept car has good proportions. Elements like the headlamps, tail lamps, fog lamps, wheels and tyres will not make it as is to production because of the cost target involved. Things like the rear disc brakes will also not make it to production.
The Figo Concept aligns itself with Ford’s “One Ford” philosophy, which means it now looks a lot like the new Mondeo and Taurus. It is a bold new grille, and the headlamps complement the design nicely. The silhouette is pretty much the same as most of the other compact sedans, but the rear is slightly disappointing. Unlike most other cars from the segment, it doesn’t put the rear number plate on the bootlid, instead opting for a low mount on the bumper. This leaves the rear with a look that is a little too vertical despite the horizontal creases that try to alleviate the visual height.

Expected Launch: November 2014
Expected Price: 5.50 - 7.50 lakhs

Ssangyong Korando Preview

Mahindra Ssangyong is expected to launch its second SUV, the Korando C, in India later this year. Mahindra owned Korean automaker has been producing SUVs with the Korando badging since 1983 and has spawned five generations of the vehicle. 
Ssangyong Korando C

Expected Launch: August 2014
Expected Price: 15 - 18 lakhs

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Interview Questions and there Answers for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

·         1. What is SEO?
It is the method of changing the rank of a web page or a website in the search results of a search engine.
·         2. What are the Types of SEO?
There are mainly two types of SEO are present: On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization.
·         3. What are the SEO Techniques available?
Two SEO Techniques are: White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO which is also called as Negative SEO.
·         4. What is On Page Optimization?
On-page optimization gives outcome to a web page or website ranking on Search Engine Results Page. This will regulate your webpage by page coding or by you.
·         5. What is Off Page Optimization?
Off Page Optimization is a type of SEO which is not regulated by your page coding. Link building, Image Sharing, Blog posting, Document Sharing, Info graphics submission, Video Sharing, Increasing Page Authority or Page Rank, Getting high quality links from relevant sites and Article submission are the few examples of Off-page optimization.
·         6. What do you mean by Page Rank or PR?
For every web page, Google will give a rank, which is called as Page rank. Normally page rank ranges from 0 – 10. Google Web Search Engine algorithm is responsible for calculating the page rank of every web page.
·         7. What is a Back link?
Back links are the incoming links to your webpage or website and getting these back links from good PR and relevant site is always better for your site.
·         8. What is an out bound Link?
An outgoing link or outbound-link is a link from your own webpage or website to another webpage or website.
·         9. What is a keyword?
·         Keyword is a particular term used for searching through Search Engines like Google in order to get outcomes related to your searched question.
·         10. What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text is also known as link text or link label or link title, which is a clickable hyperlink. This is used to increase your webpage ranking by receiving the incoming links after clicking the contained keyword.
·         11. What are organic results?
Organic results are the page views which come directly via SERP and not from any Off Page Optimization.
·         12. What is Googlebot?
Googlebot is a kind of software used by the Google as a search bot to index a webpage. This software collects the information from every webpage by doing the crawling, caching and then indexing of a webpage.
·         13. What is a Meta Tag?
You can observe many Meta tags being used in HTML coding, but the important ones are the four Meta tags. They are: Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description and Robot tags.
·         14. What tools do you use for doing SEO?
Most common tools used in SEO are: Google Analytics, Google webmaster tools, Alexa, Open site explorer and Website grader. Nowadays you can also find some paid SEO tools like spydermate, seo Moz and bulkdachecker in market.
·         15. What is Google Sandbox?
This is the place where the fresh and less authoritative sites were kept for a certain time period, till their establishment in the search results. This may happens due to the building of so many links within a short time span.
·         16. What are the limitations of title and description tags?
Title tag can be normally between 50-68 characters and Meta description tag can be around 140 – 150 characters.
·         17. How will you increase the Pagerank of a page?
To increase the page rank of your webpage, you must build more backlinks from high page rank websites and authority sites.
·         18. How will you treat Web standards while optimizing a website?
I usually apply the web standards from the W3C while optimizing the webpage, which help that site to get more points from Google to improvise page rank.
·         19. What is 301 redirect?
It is a kind of process to redirect the user from an old page URL to a new page URL.
·         20. What is Cloaking?
Clocking is the procedure of using some deceptive techniques which allows the user with a different version of the website than that presented to the search engines.
·         21. What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?
We can use the external style sheets, minimum images, decrease the file size of the images that we use, without compromising on the quality and use the CSS sprites to regulate the HTTP requests.
·         22. What are webmaster tools?
It is a free service provided by the Google to get the information about the indexing data, backlinks, search queries, crawl problems, malware complaints and XML site map.
·         23. What is robots.txt?
It is a kind of text file utilized to provide the instructions to the crawlers about the caching and indexing of a website, directory, domain or a file of a webpage.

·         Where do you put your robots.txt?
a) Search for it in Google
b) In Webmaster Tools
c) The root directory of your domain or sub domain(s)
d) In the folder you want to disallow
·         24. What is Keyword Density?
It is a very important factor to increase your webpage ranking. Keyword density is the percentage density of a particular phrase or keyword available on a website compared to the total number of words on the particular page.
·         25. What is Cross Linking?
It is considered as one of the best strategy that can come in handy to yield high search engine rankings, by leveraging several domains owned by you.

·   26. What is Meta Description?
A description tag should describe a webpage and it should contain keywords but don't stuff all the keywords. Meaningless description would affect your webpage. A description tag should contain 150 – 160 characters. If you provide meaningless or empty description, Google would take the description from the content available in that page.

·   27. What are Meta Keywords?

In early days Meta keywords are the least important tag for Search engine like Google. But it is an easy way to tell our important keywords to search engine. Meta keywords should contain less than 250 characters.
Now Google won't consider Meta keywords as one of the ranking factor.

·   28. What is White Hat SEO ?
White Hat SEO is one of the SEO techniques that a Search engine always likes. Usage of SEO techniques, tricks and tactics by following search engine rules and regulations, algorithm and policies are known as White Hat SEO.

·   29. What is Black Hat SEO ?

Black Hat SEO or Negative SEO is a common term for doing SEO Spamming Techniques. Usage of SEO by not following policies and regulations of search engine is called as black hat seo. Some of the black hat seo techniques are
  • Providing Low Quality content or duplicate content on the page
  • Getting backlinks from spammed or adult sites.
  • Giving keyword stuffed content on the page with background color
  • Getting too much backlinks from a single page with different anchor text that targets a single page of your website.
  • Cloaking
  • Google Bowling etc

  What are the limitations of title and description tags in Google, Yahoo, Bing &
Ans:- All search engine has their own algorithm for all the factors which is necessary to show your result in SERP. Same manner all has the different limitations for meta title tag as follow: Title length should be 50- 60 character & description length 150-160 characters. Title length should be 60-72 character & description length 155-165 characters. Title length should be 65 character & description length 155 characters. Title length should be 70 character & description length 312 characters.

4.    How will you inform Google that a particular page contains Adult content?
Ans. It’s easy we can inform Google about the adult content via using following meta
5. Your website is flagged as having malware, but you can’t find the malware. How will resolve this issue or what will you do?
Ans. First we will check the malware in our coding manually. If we are not able to find it out then we will send reconsideration request to Google. Hopefully Google will suggest the proper file which contain the malware or we will post the same of forum to know the right answer.

6.    Did you know what the difference between targeted page & landing page is?
Ans. Page which we have targeted to rank that page known as targeted page and the page which has ranked in search engine called landing page.

7.    What are the different method to control the robot?
Ans. We can control the robots via 3 methods which are:
1. Robots.txt
2. Robots Meta Tag
3. Rel= nofollow

8.    What is Keyword Difficulty?
Ans. Keyword difficulty let us know who difficult to rank a particular keyword.

9.    You have just launched a new web site. Unfortunately, nobody visits it, even search engines’ spiders don’t notice it. What can you do for its SEO success?
Ans. It happens with new sites some time if I am in such situation I will fatch the url with the help of webmaster tool or will submit in search engine.

Difference between keyword & keyword phrase?

The keyword term is basically concerned with a one-word term, on the other hand a keyword phrase considered as employment of two or more word-combinations. Therefore, it is very confounded to get high ranking in account of one-word keyword term until the one-word keyword has little online competition. Therefore, this practice is not encouraged to employ. In order to drive more traffic and top ranking in SERP it is recommended to employ keyword phrase.

22. What is the difference between search engine marketing and Internet marketing?

Search Engine Marketing is specific to marketing your brand/service/products through search engines. It can be in the form of organic search results where landing pages are aimed for higher ranking, or in paid search results, where ads are aimed to display at maximum exposure for targeted keywords at minimal cost possible.

Internet marketing covers a broader range of channels. It includes search engine marketing, email marketing / EDM, social media, and so on.

29. What is the difference between Indexing and Crawling?

1) When the Search Engines come to your website and read the data or find the data, this process is called crawling.

2) Whenever Search Engines come to your website, whichever page they crawl, they take a copy of that page with them and save it on their server. This process is done by the search engine is called Indexing.

Is there a way we can tell Google that a particular webpage contains the Adult content?
Yes, we can do it by adding one of these two meta tags to that webpage

31. What is Pagination in SEO?

Pagination is the practice of dividing a piece of content into different pages while at the same time allowing Google to better understand the important pages to be indexed. Read the Google's advice on using the pagination.

32. What are top SEO ranking factors?

Quality of content on the webpage, quality and quantity of backlinks to the webpage, anchor text used in the backlinks, domain authority, social sharing metrics and some other traffic metrics like page CTR, bounce rate and average time on the webpage.

33. Google’s Quality Score and what role does it play in ranking?

While I do not expect Google’s textbook answer,, I am hoping the candidate understands the basic concept behind QS (clickthrough rate + other factors) and that QS is part of the Ad Rank formula where:

Ad Rank = CPC bid X Quality Score.

Their ability to explain Quality Score and Ad Rank to me in plain English is something I pay very close attention to.

Quality Score for Google and the search network is a dynamic metric assigned to each of your keywords. It’s calculated using a variety of factors and measures how relevant your keyword is to your ad group and to a user’s search query. The higher a keyword’s Quality Score, the lower its cost-per-clicks (CPCs) and the better its ad position.

34. How to achieve good CTR in PPC?

Here are few things that need to be kept in mind for CTR
■Target your ads to right audience
■Select correct keyword matching
■See that you target your ads by location and language
■Create different Ad Groups for different search phrases/keywords
■Calculate how much you can afford for the day
■test your ads on daily basis, change if you don`t get any response from users
■Give Google users a good reason to click your ad

35. What is pay per click? Which internet marketing model does it follow?

‘Pay per click’ , also known as ‘cost per click’ is a form of internet advertising which is used for directing traffic to websites. In this advertisers pay the site owners or publishers for the ads being viewed or click. Pay per click introduces a simple strategy of marketing in which an advertiser pays the website for publishing his advertisement and getting people to view it by clicking it, the more the views are for the advertisement, better is the revenue generated by the website from advertisement. Generally ‘pay per click’ is used by advertisers on keyword phrases relevant to their target markets. Content sites generally charge a fixed amount per click rather than using a bidding system. ‘Pay per click’ advertisements are commonly displayed on websites and search engine results. ‘Pay per click’ is an approach that differs from the ‘pay per impression’ methods used in television and newspaper advertising.

37. Your site is flagged as having malware, but you can’t find the malware. What do you do?

a) Submit a reconsideration request
b) Post in the Google Webmaster Help Forum to ask for help
c) Tweet a complaint to @google
d) Abandon your domain name and start over again

38. “Unreachable robots.txt” in Webmaster Tools crawl errors means

a) You don’t have a robots.txt file
b) We couldn’t reach the robots.txt file on your server
c) Your robots.txt file disallows access to your robots.txt file
d) Your robots.txt file requires a password

39. You would like your site to be found for some keywords related to your content which are only found in images on the page. How do you do this?

a) Place the keywords in an image on the website
b) Use the “keywords” meta tag
c) Use the “description” meta tag
d) Use the “alt” attribute or include the keywords in your text
e) Place them in tiny text in the footer

40. All major search engines are case sensitive.

41. Which of the following file is created to give instructions to SE bots?

a. Index.html
b. Spiders.txt
c. sitemap.xml
d. Robots.txt
e. Searchbot.xml

42. What is the difference between 301 redirect & 302 redirect ?
The difference between a 301 and a 302 is that a 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location, while a 302 status code means that a page has temporarily moved to a new location.

43. How will you increase the Pagerank of a page?

By building more backlinks from authority sites and high page rank webpages.

44. How will you check the number of backlinks of your competitors site?

With the help of the link operator on Google and by using various external tools like Alexa, Backlink Watch , Open Site Explorer, Backlink finder etc.

45. What is the difference between Spiders, Robots and Crawlers?

A spider, also known as a robot or a crawler, is a program that follows, or "crawls", links throughout the Internet, grabbing content from sites and adding it to search engine indexes.

46. What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization while SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. SEO provides organic traffic to a website with the help of search engines while SEM involves the use of Google adwords and other paid channels of advertising.

47. Why does Google rank Wikipedia for so many topics?

Wikipedia is an established authority! As such, it is referenced by huge numbers of other documents with relevant text associated with links back to Wikipedia.

1. What is the method to content optimization?
Answer:- There are so many way by which we can optimize our content. Here i will suggest some things which is necessary to know.

a) Keyword density in content
b) Keyword Proximity
c) Keyword Prominence
d) Keyword Proximity

2. Can you please suggest the type of keywords?
Ans: I will suggest you some most important type of keywords:-
a) Primary Keywords
b) Secondary Keywords
c) Branded Keywords
d) Non Branded Keywords
e) Seasonal Keywords

3. What is the difference between targeted page and Landing Page?
Ans:- Page which we have targeted to rank the page known a s targeted page and the page which has ranked called landing page.

4. Can you please suggest the meaning of Call to Action?
Ans:- There are so many things which we have used to increase the CTR of our page known as Call to action for more info you can contact me at

5. Can you please tell the 5 most important on page factors?
Ans:- Hi as i think following are the most important factor for SEO.

1. Title
2. Description
3. Heading Tag
4. Image Optimization
5. Content Optimization

6. What is difference between crawling and caching?
Ans:- Crawling is the one time activity while caching is the repetitive activity.

7. What is Indexing?
Ans:- Indexing is the process by which Google or other search engine store our website info in their database.